Odd spam popping up on T&T board,,,

Is it just me or does it seem like no one is minding the store anymore

since Marilyn's problems with being able to get into the site? I thought Mimi was pretty clear that she had a full plate of other projects. Where's Paul?

whoops - I notified Mimi (old habits...) - guess I should've sent to Marilyn! We need a link for her

I haven't thought Marilyn was policing this for a very long time. She has

way to much going on in her own life and the same goes for Mimi. Again I say, where's Paul. Isn't this his now? What is the money going to?

I just filled out a Contact Form & sent him the info, plus I emailed him under the Donations email.

There should be an easier way to contact him, ie, how about an email link for "Contact webmaster?"

Well, the email I used under "Donations" just came back to me. It said

"Delivery to the following recipients failed."

