I wanted to like you…you were so smug there on the grocer’s shelf. Toying with me, catching my eye...whispering how easy it would be…to have pancakes at a moment’s notice. Oh how I resisted you, thinking how could you be as good to me as homemade, or even a mix – just a little water, stir and pour. How much easier could that get…a can, a can that taunts with all the sassy sexiness of whipped cream in a can that’s how. Well, I fell victim to your siren song. Today I put you to the taste test. Not once, twice, but three times a pancake…because I had to be sure. First you fell flat and were, how can I say it…crisp? Then the last, after giving you a desperate extra shaking and screaming at you to live, live, finally puffed up-some. But that taste, that taste…I’m so sorry my dear sweet…but you’re fired. Shhh. I know, I know... but you have one week of solitary confinement on the fridge shelf but come next Tuesday --it’s that looong walk to the curbside can.
**Dead tasting pancake walking!** Booyah.
**Dead tasting pancake walking!** Booyah.