It's a LOT of work!!! All day long, even my husband got involved.
No recipe, Panchita, just in from Nicaragua (no English) was the head chef. We only helped in parts, although I did get to form some, and tie the bundles. The stock was being made when we arrived and Earl peeled a mountain of potatoes. Some potatoes were mashed and added to the fresh masa, along with a sweet tangy orange liquid called Naranja Agria, homemade pork broth, lard, & butter, which was stirred vigorously for an hour. Banana leaves were blanched, laid on parchment. A glomp of the cooked masa was formed on the leaf then on top of that was marinated pork pieces, a few slices of raw potato, raw rice, a type of mole sauce (w/ achiote, Worchestershire, garlic,capers, vinegar) was added, then a slice of tomato, a couple of green olives, a few raisins, a small red pepper and a few mint leaves. Then it was all very tightly wrapped and tied. Next large pots were filled with the packets and boiled/steamed for 2 hours, then each one turned and cooked an additional hour. These will be served tomorrow....can't wait!