Oh boy, is this stuff good! Sheer Bliss Ice Cream "Pomegranate with Dark Chocolate Chip"


It comes in a little white tin. Publix has it today as a "buy one, get one free" so I'm testing it for $2.50.

Worth all 250 pennies.

PS: And while others may need this crutch, I'm coming right out and admitting I don't care squat about the antioxidantal benefits. I'm in it for the ice cream-enrobed chocolate.


Sound great...can you send some to me with out it melting....oh, DH say we will come to you.......smileys/smile.gif

Marilyn is EVIL for posting this! ! I went to Publix this afternoon and was compelled to look....

Buy one, get one free. I came, I saw, and it took aaaaaaaaalll my strength not to buy it!!

Well you see, I made some very fattening potato salad to go with Hollywood cheeseburgers for 4th of July dinner. I also bought two low fat and low sugar frozen key lime pies for dessert and marshmallows for toasting!
