Ok, it's well past midnight and I'm hungry. I don't even know what I'm doing up.


Well-known member
Oh, yeah. That's right--feeding the baby. AGAIN. smileys/smile.gif (But he's so sweet, I'm happy to be up all night.)

Made some VERY rich cookies tonight. Perhaps a glass of milk is in order.

Hi Amanda!

I remember those days, they were very recent for me!

Milk sounds perfect - good for Mama and baby. smileys/smile.gif

Isn't that interesting? If we listen, our bodies tell us exactly what they need.

I've never been a milk drinker, except in the pregnancy and nursing stages, where I could drink up to a 1/2 gallon a day. smileys/surprise.gif

Steve - what kind of donuts? I'm a cake donut gal

confession: I peel off the glaze, eat the donut first and then savor the glaze pieces that have little cake crumbs attached.

There was a time, about 6 years back, that EVERY morning I ate a cake donut for breakfast. I would wake up with thoughts of getting to that donut!

I'm down to about one a week now:) My 'thais' are thanking me for this.


Dit dit dit dit dit dit dit dit...

dit dit dit dit dit dit dit dit,
dit dit dit dit dit dit dit dit,
dit dit dit,
dit dit dit!
