OK so made tempura last night, still have large pot of oil on my stove mocking me.....


Well-known member
Is it salvagable, I did make scallops in it. I hope there is a way to save it.

Not sure what to do. Anyone?

Also, how to you dispose of that much oil. Pour it in the trash bag and hope for no leaks. I'd like to hear what you guys do.


I have in the past poured the oil through a sieve and... (more)

kept it in a bottle in the fridge.
It has stored well smileys/smile.gif

BTW, I'm making tempura this weekend. I love the idea. I didn't think of it until you mentioned it yesterday.

Like EvaN I store in the refrig but first I pour the oil through several layers of cheesecloth and

I don't keep the oil too long. I plan on using it for either the same thing later the same week or something that has a stronger flavor and won't be bothered by the former fried food flavor left in the oil.

First, let me say that I have a second fridge in the garage so this...

might not be helpful to you. I strain the oil when I use it and I pour it into clean,large size coffee cans that I save. I actually have 3 at all times. One is for fish/shrimp, one for chicken etc. and one is for a recipe for spicy nuts that we love from Michael (whatever his last name is) from Food TV. I reuse them many times and the oil stays very nice in the fridge. I have a recipe for curried chicken that will make it necessary to replace more often though. I always deep fry in my wok and the amount needed fits perfectly in the coffee cans.

Thanks for the responses. I'm straining it through 6 bounty paper towels and then decanting....

then decanting into the origional oil bottles.
I'll keep in my fridge until next use. Thanks again!

Orchid, I have done this same thing for years

And it has never failed me. Trick I learned back in the day when I lived in Texas where everything was deepfried! smileys/wink.gif (1970's)

Welcome, Steve! Looking forward to your posts - and I'm enjoying your cookbooks!

I think of you every time I make vinaigrette...almost. Beginning to think you weren't going to show.
