Okay - now I need help with how to ship a rather 'delicate' cupcake that I made


Well-known member
Sorry that I don't know paste the image in this actual post:(

These are faux cupcakes that I made using 'modeling' materials so although they are sturdy, long lasting (like forever:) they could potentially chip if jostled around too much. I never had to worry about this before but my source for these faux cupcakes decided she didn't want to make them anymore and I love them so much that I decided to tackle them. I've been debating putting this request out to you for days lest someone thinks I'm being promotional - but my nerves regarding packing this have gotten the best of me.

My thought is to box them with real popcorn (unbuttered:)!) since I'm thinking it would get into the crevices and help stop from jiggling. Your thoughts?

As I mentioned, I don't mean this at all to be self-promotional - (dear) Randi let the Swap know awhile back about the favor site I started. I'm just frankly scared of shipping them (the guys at the shipping store were kinda clueless) and you all are always so helpful! Please help lessen my nerves:)




I tend to prefer bubble wrap. If someone orders multiples, I would use those separaters for glasses

then wrap each cupcake in bubble wrap and place into its own little compartment.

Could you run wooden skewers through the sides of a box, then thru them and out the other side of

the box, so that they don't move at all? Then put that box inside another, but hard plastic box for the second one??

I would suggest not using popcorn...Not from my shipping experience, but if the cupcakes

end up with a wonderful smell of popcorn, Gays Mom's Mouse might enjoy it....Oh no...It is deceased...BUT, anyway, if the client is planning on keeping them in storage, prior to the event, I would suggest using something else for packing materials.

BTW...Deb, I do recall when Randi "launched" your website with us. It looks great!!! Nicely done! Wishing much continued success!!


Thanks! For the compliment and the head's up about the popcorn...

bummer - I really thought this might work and it would be SO easy:)

But I'm glad to know this ahead of time!


Great idea but unfortunately I can't put anything through the cupcakes

They are solid throughout - but the frosting portion could chip (but can't stick anything in it)

Cut 2 squares of heavy cardboard to the size of box base. Then cut a hole out

of one of the cardboards (centered? Not sure how many cupcakes you want to fit in one box) slightly bigger than the base of the cupcake, but smaller than the top of the cupcake paper holder. You can also cut an "X" to the size you want. That might also work.

Slip the cupcake into the cardboard "frame". This should keep it from shifting left or right. Now build up small cardboard spacers (a stack of cardboard "shims") to lift/hold the frame off the bottom of the box. The height of those should be equal to the distance from the bottom of the cupcake to the underside bottom of the frame.

Finally, with a piece of double-stick tape, glue the cupcake to the bottom piece of cardboard, and press the cardboard frame into the box. The cupcake should not touch the sides nor move...it's sort of floating between the two pieces of cardboard, but with enough tension/double-stick tape to hold it in place

Wow - this is a great idea.

But I had a woman call interested in 100 of them(for an event, thankfully not until May:)

Any modifications to this idea that you can think of that will help me ship in bulk? Or maybe I could do this in layers in a box?
(then again, maybe it's just not worth it:)


you know, like the packing boxes for glasses with the dividers. they should make smaller boxes with

dividers that you could buy from a packing supply store. like when you buy a set of glasses at the local store that comes all boxed up.

D, what diameter do you need? I buy out-of-state apples

and they come in a big square box. The apples are packed in layers of thick foam, precut with holes to nestle each apple (16 apples per layer, 3 layers total). Then they put a thin layer of uncut foam to separate the layers.

This orchard LOVES their apples.

I have one empty box already and another box coming so I could just send you the pre-cut foam? The hole diameter might be too big, unfortunately.

However, if the foam idea works, you'd just need to get the larger shipping box. Or I could see what the empty apple boxes (foam and all) would cost to mail directly to you?

Geez, I just realized you may have apple orchards near you. See if they use the same loving shipping method.

And I just so happened to have an orchard 1 mile from our house

and the owner sometimes comes to our book club. So I'll drop on buy and see what she has to say.

This is a great idea (never thought of foam) - I'm going through the yellow-pages tomorrow, talking to different 'packaging material suppliers' and see what they suggest too.

Big hugs of appreciation for your willingness to mail me your foam:) However - let's see what I can source around here.

Thanks again,


Hey - I just thought of shredded paper - that should be a good 'cushion' too!

And we have a shredder at home:)

Dang this is wigging me out!


Hi Deb, you'll probably wnat ot avoid paper, as it compresses and will not offer as much protection

as the other suggestions of Styrofoam, foam cut-outs, or cardboard separators.
