Ollieberries are getting ripe!! Can I freeze together enough for jam or would it ruin the jam?

Yes! Frozen are just fine for jam. I cannot tell you how many times I have dug in my freezer. . .

and found hidden, frozen berry-treasure, then made jam from those delicious berries. The best were some wild grown blackberries, stream-side picked. Found those puppies and had some of the BEST jam ever!

Make sure to store them in a real freezer (like the free-standing type) for longest storage time. Don't by shy with the wrapping/packaging for freezer storate also; more is better than less.

Also, freeze in a single layer on a cookie sheet or the like so that you can pour out frozen berries easily on an as-needed basis.

If you must store them in a refrigerator freezer, plan on using them soon as the auto-semi-defrost functions will allow the berries' quality to deteriorate more quickly.

I have used deep frozen, can't-remember-how-old berries and they are great BUT vac . . .

sealing IS the best way to go!

I agree--totally useable since you are going to add some liquid--or at least macerate with sugar.

But berries are bad to get frosted in the freezer IME because there is so much surface area. ;o)

Since we don't have them here I went looking also. And indeed they look a lot

like our black berries which I got yesterday at the farmer's market to make some jelly--SINCE we will have no peach jam this year.
90% of the Carolina and Georgia peach crop is gone with the freeze we had (preceded by incredibly HOT weather in February!!). SO sad.
