Online Cookbook: Housekeeping in Old Virginia, copywrite 1877


I ran across this on the web, as you do, and thought you might enjoy taking a look. My, how things do change!

Title: Housekeeping in Old Virginia, Containing Contributions from Two Hundred and Fifty Ladies in Virginia and Her Sister States Distinguished For Their Skill In The Culinary Art, and Other Branches of Domestic Economy.

Author: Tyree, Marion Cabell

Publisher: Richmond, Va. : J. W. Randolph & English 1877

Oh, there is a whole section of recipes on heads of all types and

other things, as well as the "normal" recipes. Just scroll through the titles to see what folks ate before there were grocery stores. BBQ squirrel and many recipes say add a chicken or two squirrels...

Recipes from Mrs. Gen. Robert E. Lee, etc. Interesting stuff. Things we all should know how to do someday after the zombie apocalypse!
