RECIPE: Ooh, I'm back in again! Thanks Paul! Rec: Teiglach



Well-known member
So nice to be back. The page goes back to the top whenever I click 'back', but I don't want to mess with my settings just in case, so I'll live with it.

Last weekend, I made Pomerantzen and Teiglach. Everyone loves the pomeranzten, but they look at the black-syruped teiglach suspiciously and won't try it. Maybe I only like it because I grew up with it, but I lured my daughter over with a simple text about it!


6 eggs

3 cups flour

2 tablespoons oil

2 tablespoons brandy

Put flour in bowl and make a well. Add all the ingredients and beat well. The dough must be soft.

Spoon out a bit at a time, and if very sticky, add flour by hand.Roll into balls the size of a walnut. Allow to dry in the sun half an hour on each side.


2 tins golden syrup

2 cups water

2 cups sugar

Mix in a large pot. Put over medium to high heat. When the syrup reaches boiling point, add the teiglach, reduce the heat, and boil for 25 minutes without opening the lid of the pot. (The recipe says just less than 1/2 heat, but I have to have it almost as low as possible or it burns.) After that, stir every 20 minutes and before replacing the lid, wipe every time. Total cooking time is about 2 1/2 hours (for me it's a little less). When you tap with a wooden spoon, the teiglach must have a hollow sound, and then they are ready.

After they have the hollow sound, take off the stove and add 2 cups of boiling water at the side of the pot to prevent them falling in, and also add 2 teaspoons ginger.

When cooled, place in tupperware dish and sprinkle some sugar over so they do not stick together. (I don't do this.)

I put the ginger into the syrup in the beginning, not at the end. I added the 2 cups water, and my teiglach still fell in. I boiled the syrup down afterwards, as we like the cookies dripping with sticky syrup, so next year I may put in just a little boiling water, and see what happens.

We never made this when I was growing up, always bought it, as my dad swore that you couldn't make good teiglach unless you had a huge copper pot as the heat had to be constant all the way round. After years of deprivation here, I started to make them in my heavy stainless steel Dutch oven. Maybe he wouldn't call them good (they are easy to over cook), but we like them. This year I had an added problem, they boiled over right in the beginning, so not only did I have all that boiling hot sweet stuff on my ceramic cooktop, which had to be removed immediately, but I LIFTED THE LID in the first 25 minutes. I blame any imperfections on that smileys/smile.gif

If anyone is crazy enough to try this - Enjoy!
