Hi, Randi, Checked my books. I'd say it was an Amanita, probably the panther Amanita you .>>>>
identified. The Agarics are mostly benign and edible. One agaric has a kind of shaggy cap but not warty. Actually the Agaricus campestris is the common field mushroom which was the origin of our commerical white mushrooms. More delicious however. We used to gather them along the Highway here on Cape Cod, soon after the highway was built but not for a long time as constant mowing and traffic has probably suppressed them. The big white round one was the puff-ball, contrary to common opinion was edible and delicious. Pretty safe as the bad form is black and powdery inside. I stick to the boletus which are easy to identify as they have pores rather than gills and the only really bad one has a vicious red stem, according to my books. I never let anyone else eat the ones I gather and always try a bit first to see what happens. Since I'm over 80, I guess I've been pretty good at choosing