Done! Tried three ways to work with the white and choc
Thanks, Marilyn, for the heads up about the white and choc running together. I had three trays to work with, so I painted in the white choc wedding bells and put that tray in the freezer for five minutes before continuing. That worked pretty well but it was hard to get the tiny details painted.
I made the second tray with chocolate only. They look nice, if not as bridal. If I have to make lots, I don't think I'll bother with the white melt painted in at all.
I put a full layer of white choc in the third tray, pressed in the oreo, and topped them with the dark chocolate.
I found them hard to press out of the molds. Also, if I didn't put enough chocolate in before the oreo, the top and bottom chocolate didn't meet neatly.
Goes to show a trial run is necessary!