Oreo Cookie Pie question...


Well-known member
I'm halfway through making an Oreo cream cheese pie and I have everything except for whipped cream (or cream for whipping). Can I improvise with cream cheese, gelatin, and condensed milk?

It doesn't have to be perfect, just good. I saw a recipe for something similar from Emeril, but it used 6 egg yolks, which I didn't want to use in the "white" part.

Hmm, haven't tried it yet (it's frozen, out on the front porch!) but this

is what I did.

Processed together a half a can of condensed milk, 1 block of cream cheese, 1 tsp of mint extract, 1/2 cup of sugar, and a packet of gelatin; let it come to a boil, lowered the heat, and added 1 egg. Let that cook for about 3 minutes, strained it (no need to, tho) and poured it onto the chocolate layer (already waiting).

Put it outside to cool and forgot about it and now it's covered in 2 feet of snow - lol. I think I made cheesecake.

Can't wait to hear how that first bite is! Interesting "save" on the topping, but *should* work!?

I really oughta stop improvising... not bad, but too rich and not the taste I

was going for. I wouldn't repeat it on purpose...

P.S. Scooped off the white topping and broke up the rest as an

Oreo cookie crumble (yeah, that's what I meant to make, yeah) topped with whipped cream - that I have now.
