our Beartooth theater pub is having their Food Film Festival this week. have any of you seen these


Well-known member
movies? http://beartooththeatre.net/files/2014/05/Bear-Tooth-Movies-05-16-to-05-22.pdf

scroll down the link for movie info

Haute Cuisine

Tasting Menu

The Lunchbox


I'm going to see The Grand Budapest Hotel tonight. then I think I'll catch the 3:00 showing tomorrow of Tasting Menu,

3:00 Sunday The Lunchbox and definitely Farmland on Monday. Wish you all could join me! the Beartooth is an old vintage movie theater that survived the 1964 earthquake. the current owners had it moved and completely renovated to seat people with tables so we can eat and have wine/beer. the movies are just $3 and the food is terrific. Same people have the Moose's Tooth pizza/pub that some of you may have visited. It's always packed and worth a visit.


Thanks for all the feedback. Fwiw. Grand Budapest was a bit too dark and quirky for me

And the Mendl pastries were strange too. Kind of Dr Suess-esque
