Our new friend Joe from Culinary in the Desert/Country has a bunch of doggie treat recipes too.

Beefy Biscuits.... 1 tsp. parsley??? Really???? Is that for the 'doggie breath'? Thanks Ang!

yep. isn't that what those Greenie treats are made of? I think we could use the stems up in these

doggie treats. good use of those stems.

Yes on the breath, but the pups also need the greens in their diet.

Thanks, these look really good! Can't wait to make some of these this weekend.

Siegfried and Loki say Rankroo.

Fun to experiment!

I love to try out new treats on our two pups! The pupcakes were definitely a favorite and we've made them a few times for neighbors when they were celebrating their dogs birthdays!

Isn't there a problem with wheat flour for dogs? I know when I go to the pet store

that they are always pushing things that are 'wheat free' because they said it's easier digested. I supposed this is like a gluten-intolernace in adults.
