Our Salad Table (from Univ of Maryland free plans)


This is one week after we finished it: we planted "salad lettuce", romaine, basil and parsley (middle bay is empty so far).

The best thing is Lowes or Home Depot will cut the exact 2x4 lengths for you. All we had to do was drill lead holes and put in the screws, then nail on the wire and screening.


And this is now 19 days: I've already cut off romaine leaves for sandwiches.


I would suggest copying the 2x4 cutting instructions out and pasting them into a separate Word document, then enlarging the font and noting exactly how many pieces of each is needed. The man at the band saw at Lowes told me that made it very easy for him to see the correct lengths to cut.


I love the concept Mar,

Grab-a-salad bar!! It’s beautiful and I bet you and Larry are having fun with it.

Now to torture you with OCD……………. How about designing and planting a replica of this duckie that you and I saw at Cypress Gardens that has been destroyed (planticide/duckycide?) by Lego Land?? Bwaaaaaaaaa!!! How could they???

You have the talent Mar. I KNOW you can do it!!


Oh! Gorgeous. In another life, I'll have one of these. smileys/smile.gif Can you use it year-round in FL?

cheezz, the beauty of this design is you can make the bays using

2x4's for salads and herbs
2x6's for beans
2x8's for tomatoes, potatoes, etc.

We thought about making a tomato one, but thought it might be too high.

Squirrels ate right through our "squirrel-free" bird feeder, but they haven't seemed to notice this yet.

Erin, I haven't a clue. This is a first for us. I'm more Black Middle Finger, less Green Thumb

when it comes to growing things that actually survive. Every day that something continues to live around me is a good day.

Yes, it's deep enough for salad greens, which don't have deep root systems.

I imagine it needs daily misting--at least it would in California--to keep it evenly moist. Great idea!

You can sow lots of seeds and use the thinnings for gourmet baby salad greens. I'm not certain but I think the best growing season in Florida is now--the summer will be too hot.

I made a chicken wire "topper" for my salad tables...

and it worked really well to keep the squirrels from digging it up.

these "salad" tables are great for my urban lot.....

have grown more than enough lettuce to give away, along with chard, baby beets, carrots, fennel. DH bolted the legs on , so they can be taken down and leaned on their sides in the garage during the winter.

Hha! I swear my squirrels have a "what's ripe in the neighborhood" newsletter smileys/smile.gif
