Our Trader Joe's is officially opening on November 9th. So.Excited!

Yay! Just in time for all the holiday goodies they bring in this time of year!

The Belgian butter cookies dipped on one side in bittersweet chocolate and covered with coarse sugar on the other are TDF as are their Florentines!

Also, the bittersweet chocolate dipped stars with non-pariels and the pfeffernuesse are wonderful as well.

However, the lebkuchen is just so so, IMHO.

Love pfeffernuesse. And I will have to look for those Belgian butter cookies.

The only sad part is because of the archane liquor laws here in PA, they won't have a wine section.

Now my friends don't have to bring me care packages from Virginia. smileys/smile.gif

Almondina cookie/crackers are my favorite. so good with coffee or tea.

and the nuts! so many to choose from. I will be in the midwest(IL/IN/MI) for thanksgiving time and hope to stock up on some favorites.

Peppermint Green Tea

I loved their Peppermint Green Tea that I bought there a couple years ago. I am not sure if they still carry it though.
