Out of cake flour and I want to make these. The recipe already contains cornstarch.

It's definitely important to sift several times before using. Replace 2 Tbsp AP

Flour with 2 Tbsp cornstarch for every cup of flour. I usually sift about 5 times. The cookies should be fine.

I'm totally lost... I've often wondered if you could replace part of the flour in a

recipe with cornstarch, but I have to admit I don't understand what you substituted for what. :eek:) "Replace 2 Tbs flour with 2 Tbs cornstarch for every cup of flour"? Huh? Do you mean you can replace 1 cup of cornstarch for 1 cup of flour? Seems like a lot of cornstarch.

Thanks in advance!!

No, remove 2 tablespoons of the flour from the cup of AP and add 2 Tbsp of cornstartch.

In other words, use 14 tbsp of flour & 2 tbsp of starch to make up one cup.
