Pam with Flour


Well-known member
I tried PAM with Flour for making a bundt cake. It really added an off taste. Anyone else ever used and experienced this?

Julie, spread with lecithin/oil (1:2 ratio) duo. It works like a charm for

bundt cakes and didn't leave any noticable taste to me.

Here is a recipe I got off another web site, that works beautifully

with my bundt pans and other baking pans used for cakes etc. I mixed it up, put it in a Lock and Lock container and keep it in the fridge.


1 cup shortening, I used Crisco butter flavor
1 cup corn oil, I used Canola oil
1 cup all purpose flour

Combine in a mixer. Store in an airtight container in cool cupboard of in refrigerator.
When ready to use, apply liberally to pan/pans with a pastry brush. No need to follow up with a flour sprinkling.

NOTE: I even use this on my silicone pans when I use them.

Hope this helps.

It does work great. It's also in Kitchen Tips (T&T). I've also used a butter flavoured spray with

flour on bundt pans and found it worked pretty well.

Stays for a very long time in the refrigerator. I think mine has been in there

about three weeks now and it is still fresh smelling. As I stated, I have it in an airtight Lock n Lock container and "stuff" lasts an incredibly long time in the fridge. In fact I just used green peppers (stored in Lock n Lock) that have been in there 2 1/2 weeks and they were still very crisp. Just saw your question tonight.

I make this too, and it last months - as long as the Crisco doesn't go rancid...

I make this too, and store it in a canning jar (with a non-canning plastic lid). It lasts forever - I figure you'd know when it's bad if it smells rancid. but it probably lasts at LEAST 6 months.

I use a silicone brush to apply it to my cake/bundt pans.
