Partially FRC - Dialect Survey

About the only one I don't do that is our dialect is ask "where are you at?"

My Mom taught English and that one drives me insane.

One that is prevalent here that I just don't get is...

"So don't I." I think it's used to agree with something, but it sounds backwards to me.

I found a bunch of their results faulty. Carbonated drinks in these parts are called "tonic". Places to get a drink in a public place is a "bubbler". A Chinese fire drill is when a car pulls over to the side of road and everyone changes seats.

Someone who changes lanes rapidly is just a "Massachusetts driver"!

We saw drive thru liquor stores on our trip through VA and NC.

Back in the Eighties when there was a huge influx of Northerners

there used to be a very popular bumper sticker in these parts. Remember the I "heart" New York stuff? The bumper sticker said "Love New York? Take I-30 East".

We didn't have open container laws here until I was an adult.

Used to be no big deal to sip a beer on your way home. We probably still wouldn't have them if it were not for the threat of losing highway funding.

So interesting. I've always been a nut about languages and grammar. There are a few items here

that I thought were going unnoticed:
and people are now pronouncing STR as SHTR quite commonly, starting with Jay Leno.

And although some US idiosyncrasies have crossed the border, I can't even relate to many of these items.

An ekshtreme example: we still don't have drive-thru liquor stores.
