Pat, I'm making those sticky apricots stuffed with clotted cream...question....

Jane, we used mascarpone but

I think you'd be okay with the creme fraiche or strained yogurt as long as they were somewhat thick...or at least thick enough to stay put as the filling. Good luck and please let us know what you use and how you like it.

Cheez, just an FYI... There are a number of rec on how to make "fake" clotted cream. I can't find

mine. I recall scribbling it down on a small piece of paper and inserting it into one of my cookbooks. While I can't find it, I do remember I found it on the web. I made it a few times and served with scones. While nothing beats the real clotted cream, (especially fresh from devonshire!), the fake stuff worked.
WOuld love to hear what you think of the apricots. Interesting combination of flavors.

Thanks for the update! I will make them for one of our tea get togethers. Did you

use or have trouble finding Prekmez? How many apricots did you end up making? Just curious, the link that included a pic only had a few.
