Pat's Zucchini Bread was great!

It's market day tomorrow and it's gonna be the chicken with eggplant etc for dinner. Lovely.

Went to the market for 2 zucchini for bread and chicken and now I have 6---what can I say

The kids at the booth had an "adopt a zucchini" sign and so now I have 6 wanting to be used. Does anyone shred the zucchini and then freeze it for future use? Seems to me it would be fine for breads and relishes, and if I'm shredding for the bread, I might as well keep shredding.

Prolly too late but I'd say go for it and try it out Ang. Once thawed the shredded zucchini

might be a lil watery (not sure though) but you could squeeze out the majority of the water and proceed to use it in zucchini bread, fritters, soups, etc. I'm sure with little problem. Let us know if you try it.
