PBS to host Martha Stewart cooking show

I'll watch it at least once. Remember a while back the conversation about ghost writers et al?

We know that Martha is in control and in charge of her recipes and cooking tips/ideas. In the "old days" when I was catering her early cookbooks inspired me with fresh ideas and tips for really interesting presentation. Yup, she was over the top with all her "personal collections" of baskets, copper, glass, you name it- and her lush gardens and fabulous kitchens were out of reach for most of us- but her cooking skills and creative approach to most everything is what made Martha Martha.

Yup. She's still around. And most likely worth watching at least one time.

I enjoy Martha and have picked up some great tips from her...the best one is how to fold

fitted sheets. However, as much as I have watched her cook, set beautiful tables, work in her garden, play with flowers, I have never tried one of her recipes. I wonder why! Now Ina Garten, on the other hand....I have all her books and find her recipes easy, tasty and no fuss.

I'm disappointed that it's not something more exciting...

In terms of cuisine and persona, Martha isn't terribly compelling (to me, at least)--and what she's selling is something so different than, say, Jacques Pepin or Julia Child or Sara Moulton, etc. I don't know if it's just that she's saturated the entire lifestyle market that another show seems groan-worthy, or that her brand strikes me as insufferably whitebread, or what. But I wish PBS had picked someone less bland. In the last ten years, I think she's tried to portray more cultural and culinary diversity on her show and in her magazine (and, arguably, that's not really her brand in the first place, so who cares?), but the choice by PBS just leaves me cold.

Then there's the question of platform--clearly, Martha doesn't need another platform. So does that mean PBS thinks it's not strong enough (or it's too risky) to have picked someone with a more interesting background and launched him/her?

I sure am opinionated, this month.

AMEN, sister. I can't tell you how many pies I tried out of that beautiful book...only to

be disappointed each time!

Often I think she goes for looks without worrying about critical flavor points...like SALT. A flat pie crust...there simply isn't any excuse for that.

The odd thing is...she has access to prime fruit sources, so I just don't get it.
