PC to MacBookPro... a little help, please....


Well-known member
My computer was getting too old and outdated, so I upgraded to a MacBookPro. It has the Mac side and the PC side (too many softwares I use for research are not available for the Mac).

anyway, I am struggling with the usual learning curve of a new toy - one of the things I'd like to know is if there is a command like "END" to scroll all the way down to the bottom of this forum

right now I just scroll manually which is not that hard in the Mac, but definitely takes some time

anyone knows?

I'd try the Fn or Apple key and any combo of the arrow keys.

Or Google Safari (I assume that's the browser you're using; otherwise, Google that browser) and "keystroke shortcuts MacBookPro"... My husband is using our MBP, and our tot is napping; otherwise, I'd ask him. smileys/smile.gif)))

I am not familiar with the MacBook Pro but I think you just have to scroll down manually.

Don't think there is a shortcut, Sally

I've been a Mac user forever and have never found a quick way to get to the bottom of the page. Just scrolling but it is fast if you grab the blue scroll bar on the right.

Oh, you sweet angel!!!!!



Oh, you've never seen a happier Sally!

thank you tahnk you thankyou

(now if only I had not burned my hand twice making the clementine cake discussed here)

you can also get yourself a full size keyboard

plug it in. I'm not a fan of Microsoft generally but I do like the Microsoft ergonomic keyboards. This will come with the equivalent of drivers to work with your Mac. On mine the alt key functions as the Apple/command key.

At home I use the full size keyboard and keep my Macbookpro on icurve stand. The stand elevates it and I believe it helps with air circulation. I also use a second display.

in the lab....

... rather, in my office - I do have an extended keyboard

the situation is slightly complicated right now, because I have the old PC in the office and have not yet transferred all the software and files to this new baby.

I am a bit insecure to do the "full move" and say goodbye to the old computer, at least until I feel completely at home with the new Mac

once all is said and done, I will be taking the Mac back and forth to work, and once in the office I'll work from the extended keyboard (and huge screen).

I have Parallels....

that comes with the computer already

I suspect it does what your software does? I can go back and forth between both "systems"
