Perfect Coffee Concentrate


Well-known member
Source: Cyndi (from Sunset Magazine)

Place 1 lb. of your favorite brand of regular grind coffee in a large bowl or other container. Add 7 cups cold water. Gently push grounds down into water to moisten. Cover container and let stand at least 8 hr. or overnight.

Line a large strainer with a double thickness of paper towels or coffee-maker filter paper. Set in another bowl; pour liquid and grounds into the strainer, allowing the concentrated coffee to pass through the filter. Discard the grounds (they are great for fertilizer...) Allow the concentrate to settle, then restrain for settlement. Cover the filtered liquid and refrigerate. (I keep mine in a large glass bottle.)

Makes about 3 1/2 c. liquid coffee concentrate. Individual taste determines the amount of concentrate you use. BTW, it also is less bitter than brewed coffee.

Hot coffee: Use about 2 1/2 T. liquid per cup of hot water.

Iced coffee: Use 3-4 T. per 10-oz. glass, with cold water and ice to fill.

Cafe au Lait: Use 2 1/2 T. to each 6-7 oz. cup, using hot milk to fill.

Cooking with the coffee concentrate:

Lamb or beef stew: for stew made with 1 1/2 to 2 lb. meat, add 1/12 c. concentrate in place of 1/2 c. liquid called for in recipe.

Broiled or roasted meats: Mix equal parts of concentrate and vegetable oil. Brush frequently over surfaces of beef or lamb to baste while cooking.

Quick Sundae Sauce: Heat 1/2 c. honey with 2-3 T. concentrate, stirring to blend. Serve warm or cold, spooned over vanilla, chocolate or toasted almond ice cream.
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