Phase 1 completed

Paul host
Staff member
The first phase mentioned in the previous update has been completed. There is a link below to the previous update. These are the primary issues that I want to address now that this phase is completed:

1) If you have been using the upload tool for uploading images directly to the site, please use the site without the "/1/" in the url. In other words, moving forward please use:


2) The images that you uploaded previously will still work fine and will in the future, but the .../1/ version of the site will be eliminated in the near future.

3) Currently the new site and Recipe Swap are using two different systems for member accounts. So to use the Recipe Swap you need to continue to login the way you have been and if you setup a new account you will not be able to use that YET to post to the Recipe Swap.

*Also please remember that if you want to use the Photo Upload tool you must be logged in first.

In a later phase the photo uploads will be directly integrated into forum posting so it will be MUCH easier and won't require the extra steps.

We are making progress. As I have said previously, once we get fully migrated away from the old code, implementing all updates, fixes and new features will be streamlined.

Any questions please use the Contact Us button that you can see one the right of any page of the site.

sorry for the downtime the past 24 hours

server update caused a conflict with old software
