Pizza last night was really good! I am still learning the dough thing....

Yum! Looks fab Barbara!

I've been serving Naan pizzas (using the store bought Naans) as fast and yummy appetizers. I *love* naan bread.

Deb, what a great idea! I have just been asked to bring a "heavy" appetizer to a party...

that might be perfect! I know her oven will be available because she doesn't cook smileys/smile.gif And, I love naan too. Thank you.

They only take a few minutes to cook - just until the cheese melts

let me know what you think once you make them!

I'd love to throw a 'heavy' appetizer party - LOL

grilling the dough is easier than it sounds. it firms up almost immediately when plopped on the

grill, par cook the first side, flip it and do the same, then I take it off and top it and plop it back on with the lid closed to melt the cheese and warm the toppings and crisp the crust.

Ang--what is your trick to get the dough onto the grill successfully? smileys/smile.gif

I've used parchment paper, ceramic cutting board, free throw, and it's always a crap shoot as to getting it situated where it's not folded over, bunched etc.
Once it's on, it's great!
Do I really have to buy a peel? smileys/frown.gif

Not Ang, but my $0.2 worth...

I think the key is not making them too large. Having them even, a nice sturdy dough, and then having the dough draped over your palm, then just flip your hand over in one smooth movement and plop that bad boy on the grill. As you're flipping, you can also guide the downward trajectory to land it pretty much in the spot where you want it.

For those that don't have the courage to do it on the rack, don't forget that you can line your grill rack with clean unglazed tiles. Get them nice and hot before applying dough. I use the tiles to do much larger pizzas and then I use a peel.

One of my all time favorite grilled pizzas was the "Sunday Dinner Pizza": spread the dough with leftover mashed potatoes. Cover with chopped up fried chicken. A little peas scattered here and there won't hurt anything. Spread a layer of homemade country chicken gravy over it. Top with your cheese of choice (garlic cheddar and rosemary asiago are both excellent). Bake that bad boy.

yep, same as Richard. the dough sets up almost immediately, so if you sling it on, it's OK. we like

amoeba(sp) shaped pizza.

this dough from Artisan Bread in 5 minutes a day is even easier---no kneading. link is to video on

grilling it by the authors.

Olive Oil Dough from Artisan Pizza and Flatbread in Five Minutes a Day:
3 1/4 cups lukewarm water
1/4 cup olive oil
1 tablespoon Yeast
1 to 1 1/2 tablespoons Kosher salt
2 tablespoons sugar
7 1/2 cups (scoop and sweep) unbleached all-purpose flour
To make the dough: Use our dump and stir method of mixing the dough in a 5-quart Container with Lid, using a Danish Dough Whisk or wooden spoon. Then cover the container, not airtight and let it rest for about 2 hours on the counter. The dough can then be used right away, but it is much easier to handle once it has been thoroughly chilled. The dough can be stored in the refrigerator for 2 weeks!
Pull off a chunk of dough and form into a ball and let rest a few minutes. dust with flour and roll or stretch into pizza shape. toss on grill or top and place in hot oven on pizza stone or baking sheet.

Thanks Ang, I think I will just head to the city and find erin's stash in her freezer. : )

Seriously, erin, you have that in your freezer? I have lots of stuff in my freezer, but you would not find frozen pizza dough there!! ; )

Yes, it saves me from having to solve the dinner question over and over and over... smileys/wink.gif

Plus, if you serve enough vegetables with it, it counts as Healthy. smileys/wink.gif I actually made some today! Too bad there's no pizza-pult--I would just launch it over the Hudson to you. smileys/wink.gif))))

(I realize that "solving the dinner question" should be fun, but cooking when it's hot--even with the A/C on--is just not my thing. Pizza and sauteed chicken is about as much as I do in the summer.)
