Please give me some help computor fundis.....


Well-known member
my screen is not as big as it should be...up top I have far to thick a section of blue....right at the top is the box for the drop downs I use....and the google search over to the right...


I have a line of my web search and webfetti etc but these things dont go to the end of the line onlt about 2/3 of the length


I have a whole line dedicated to delicious and the tag thing


I have a line of google box/search/signs and bookmaks check and auto fill


I have athe line starting with favourite stars and last line

my box telloing me what forum/thing/site I am actually on and a yahoo search box.......surely

I can squidge up all these things together and make my screen larger....


Maybe I did a little to help myself but I still....

feel if I can get the delicious tag onto the line above it would help in giving me a bigger screen. HELP!!!!

Joanie, if I understand what you're asking...

Up in the header, there are vertical lines which sepapate fields. You can grab/drag/drop them as you desire.

For example: You can take the URL address bar and pull it over the far right. It will add it to that row, but not display the field because there isn't enough room. If you drag it below, it will open up and display the field and current http:// path.

Another way to change things: Under the VIEW menu bar, you can turn on/off whatever you want to see.

(WARNING: Only mess around with this next one if you have time to understand what you're changing)

One other thing you can do is change the actual appearance.

Control Panel > Display > Appearance Tab > Advance button > then click on the pull down for ITEM.

It will let you select anything and everything and make changes to it. For example, you can make the scroll bars bigger or smaller. Same with icons. Personally...I SCREW Up my desktop everytime I mess with these fields, so I'm only throwing this out there. I have two monitors...a 22" and a laptop linked together, so the resolution gets goofy at times.

TX Mar....................

I am looking at the whole now...with FK here....up at the top is all the blue with all the things I mentioned in horizontal right across the page....
Not all these sections are filled, I ahve hidden 'buttons' and on one whole line there is the and tag button...I dont need this on a whole line surely I can move it up to the above line which has only MY Web Search box and 'smiley central buttons on it???
This would give me a whole more room on the screen.

have you tried a different browser to see if you get the same display issues?

I have both EI and Mozilla (firefox) and some websites end up goofy or don't work with Mozilla due to a Java issue.

Look at the top menu bar where File, Edit, on HELP >>

At the bottom, it will list the name of the application. In my case it says,
About Internet Explorer.

I think you have too many toolbars.

On FireFox or Internet Explorer you can go to "VIEW" then "TOOLBARS". Deselect what you don't want. I only have the navigation toolbar selected.

Are you having any luck with Mar's suggestions? I can try and help, but

your problem sounds like it's pretty complicated. Did you do any upgrades lately? Can you do a system restore under the start menu? That might help. If so, change it back to the last bold date.

Hahaha smileys/smile.gif))) I followed a bit of Mar's advice but did not know quite what to do and still not

quite sure what I did but I appear to have got rid of one whole line...I believe I should restart but I am worried I will find I messed up...I will, I will when the day's work is over.....
In playing around I was adventerous to click on the translate button up there and the whole of FK started going white from bottom up but now I renewed the page...everything is back as usual...

I get scared to do things I know nowt about.....dont want to loose any data etc...
Thanx Mar for your encouragement.

Good! It's good to know how to do a system restore so you can keep the

settings. For a while there, I was restoring my computer every couple of days until I finally got it working right again. And make sure you back-up alot ("My Photos, My Documents, etc.).
