Poll please, and opinions: Do you trim the stem-end of a peeled garlic clove before you add it?


Well-known member
I always trim it off.

I've seen several TV cooks who don't bother. They peel and chop (or crush) the clove and add it to the recipe without trimming. It may be for expediency perhaps.

Do you trim it off?


Yes. I hold that end while I slice, and then throw the hard sliver away. But for roasting or

a long braise, I'll usually leave it on, unless it's large or thick.

I trim off that little brown end. It is tough and I don't want anyone

biting into it, especially since I use a lot of garlic in my salad dressings. I core large tomatoes, but never cherry types. Instead, I cut the cherry toms in half, cutting right through the stem end. By the time it is in the salad and dressed, it is just about invisible.

I trim it if it is going to be eaten. If it is used for flavor and will be disgarded I don't bother
