Preparing roast leg of lamb for Canadian Thanksgiving Dinner. Flageolet is a

Re: Happy Thanksgiving from this Canadian as well.

I'm bringing the appetizer - not sure what yet. Maybe parmesan stuffed dates wrapped in proscuitto ; or from Diva entertains the honey cornbread. Can't go wrong.


I love them. If that is how long they took, that's fine but it

seems a long time. I love my PC for these types of beans.
I see it used the oven. easier on top of the stove, shorter time. same result.

Turkey is still the big deal. I had to goad my friend into doing turkey and not a big chicken. It

just wouldn't be right.

I amazed myself by happening upon a recipe for pumpkin pear upside down cake for dessert. With all the huge cookbook libraries we all have, I decide on a recipe in a flyer from an insignificant local store that never publishes recipes and is not at all sophisticated.

I really must be losing interest.

Naw, U're not losing interest. I've discovered some tasty recipes from insignificant sources in the

past so if yr upside-down cake turns out well, and U deem it to be a keeper, be sure & post it here! wigs
