Pumpkin Bread for the firefighters got me a big hug. I used Pat's recipe


Well-known member
but cut the oil to 1 cup and the sugar to 2 1/2 with a good T of molasses. double batch, so 4 loaves plus 2 mini loaves for us. 2 with pecans, 2 with cinnamon chips/no nuts. those wildfire fighters are the hardest working folks. It must be in your blood, working these fires because it's such hot, hard, uncomfortable exhausting work. We are so grateful for their service. I went to a community meeting Sunday in Sterling, and all the heads of the agencies working these fires gave a nice update and the fella who is the "Fire Behaviorist" was ever so interesting. Who knew this was such a technical career? fascinating. When I dropped off the bread at the Emergency Services center, this big tall lanky firefighter said "Can I give you a hug"? it melted my heart alright. We have no pumpkin bread posted in T&T and I have a feeling at least 3 people use this recipe. what do you think, can we make it T&T? or another one to put into T&T for easy search?http://www.eat.at/swap/forum/index.php?action=display&forumid=1&msgid=94643

During our 1999 fires, we had firemen from Alaska and Colorado and were ever so grateful to them.

Our guys down here just aren't trained for massive leaping fires and that's what happens when invasive trees take over the undergrowth. They aren't fire-resistant like true Florida trees.

I vote for putting it in T&T. I've made this recipe a handful of times and it is a very good one.

thanks Cathy. Pat, do you want to add it? I always go to T&T first when looking for a recipe.

I'm wondering if anyone else uses it as much? It's such a treasure trove of good recipes and relatively easy to navigate instead of doing a big search.
