Question about an egg


Well-known member
I got home from being out all day and found an egg sitting on the kitchen counter. My guess is that my father-in-law was going to cook it for Liam's breakfast (my inlaws watch Liam during the day), but then the menu changed and Bill forgot to put the egg back in the fridge.

Is it still good? Or should I pitch it?

Amanda, how are you doing? think of you often. my stepdaughter is just starting down this road.

At the price of an egg, the peace of mind would be worth it.

I don't know if it's an old wive's tale or not, but I've heard that fresh eggs can be kept at room temperature, but once they've been refrigerated they should stay refrigerated.

Well, this week was a bit rough, emotionally.

Had a bit of a meltdown tonight. I don't feel I'm doing a very good job at working or parenting or being a good spouse at the moment.

Physically, I'm doing ok, more-or-less. My main complaint is dry mouth with a terrible taste--so bad it wakes me up in the middle of the night. Also, I'm on a steroid now which is wreaking havoc with my sleep patterns so I'm really getting tired. I'm snapping at Liam too much; my parenting skills are really going down the drain. Must be more patient with everyone. And it's been really hard to focus on work. I think I just need lots more rest.

But I'm not feeling much nausea so that's good. I have eight more weeks of chemo, then six weeks of radiation. It's like a marathon--I really have to pace myself mentally to keep going.

And I've lost twenty pounds, so I'm pleased about that. smileys/smile.gif

Thanks so much for asking, Ang. And I'm sorry to hear about your stepdaughter. PM me if your stepdaughter would like to talk and I can send her my email. I'm happy to talk about my experience and answer any questions she might have. Good luck to her.

Amanda, chemo is NOT the recommended way to lost those unwanted pounds. I'm just sayin'.

Glad to hear you're feeling better though. Ever try smoking the ganja?

Yeah, I know. It's not been through being so sick I can't eat, though.

I think it's because I've been drinking lots of water, exercising, and eating well. All good things, right?

Nope, have not needed to try it!

Nausea has been very manageable and I haven't needed to take anything, really, with the new drug. I'm not feeling totally myself, but it's much better. Although it's all cumulative, so check back in with me in October... smileys/wink.gif

Amanda, sorry I did not know that. . . in your case. . .

I recommend using ONLY pasteurized eggs, shell on or in the pourable carton. Normally, eggs out on the counter one day, no problem. Hens will lay day after day until they have enough eggs in the nest to have a good sized clutch to set upon and hatch. Room temp briefly is usually no problem.

Amanda, I'm sorry to hear you had a rough week.

But I think you need to be patient with yourself first. Sorry if that sounds like a cliche, but it sounds to me as if you are doing as well as anyone could under such stressful circumstances. Your family loves you and they will understand the stress.

Hang in there!

Amanda, sweety, you are NOT super woman. Be gentle with

yourself and the best thing you can do when you feel over whelmed is sit down, pull Liam up close and just cuddle and relax. It will all be OK. Let me just give you a ((((Amanda))).
