Question about portion control - tea for 400-450 ladies


Well-known member
40 men will be serving tea food (and, generally serving as waitstaff) at our women's tea. Before the tea, the guys will be going around to each table and filling 2 dishes with curd and clotted cream. Each table is set up differently so all the dishes will be different sizes. Is there an easy way to 'portion control' so each table gets about the same amount?

What we were thinking is having the curd and clotted cream in ziplocs with a corner cut off. Then having something, like a paper cup with the bottom cut out so that the men can put the cup in the serving dish, fill it to a mark, then lift it off...40 times. Is there an easier way??

Can't you preplate the creams, put them on cookie sheets and stack them in a big cooler--if you

don't have refrigerator space, that is.

May I recommend having the dishes filled in the kitchen then placed on the tables vs

going around to each table and filling the dishes there -- risking a spill on the table setting. Cleaning the bowl rims of any accidental drips (it's gonna happen, you know that, right??!!!! LOL) will also be easier in the kitchen.

If only! Each of the 40 hostesses sets their own table - grandmas dishes, etc.

So nothing leaves the table but the teapots as they need filling. It worked out quite well as we had two guys who were instructed and given cream and curd in ziploc bags. Worked great and no mishaps thankfully!
