Question about searching here. How would I search for


Well-known member
"multiple" ingredients? For example, "whipped cream, pie, and pudding"? I did it without the quotes, and nothing came up.

Then I tried just

cream pudding

and the only things that came back (2 posts) were posts with the phrase "cream pudding" and that's not really what I want. Do you use commas, or the word "and"? Neither of those worked the way I did it. Mimi?

Search techniques...

For an exact phrase just type with no quotation marks:

chocolate cake

(Returns everything with the phrase "chocolate cake" in it)

To search for a recipe that has multiple words, separate each word or phrase by commas and don't use the word "and":

cheesecake, cream cheese

(Returns everything with the word "cheesecake" and the phrase "cream cheese" in it)

If you get nothing, check your spelling. I just (accidentally) tried:

cheesescake, cream cheese

...and was surprised to get no results!
