Question about serving Bourbon


Well-known member
We have new neighbors stopping by tomorrow evening for a little dessert and when we were discussing drinks he said he basically only drinks bourbon. So we would like to have it on hand to serve him but don't have a clue - how is it served? On the rocks, with tonic, etc. Your input would be a appreciated. I'm pretty much a white wine only (well sometimes some vodka:) and hubby barely drinks.


In truffles smileys/wink.gif

Okay, that's how we serve ours! And on the rocks. Or in a Manhattan - how the in-laws take theirs. Cheap stuff in whiskey sours or bourbon and Coke. Colleen

Bourbon and Branch

Bourbon with water taken from the local branch. Usually served over ice. And just a splash of water.

Late to the party, but I was going to say neat or rocks if someone

specifically said they drink Bourbon. Most Bourbon drinkers don't want any frou-frou getting in the way of a fine Bourbon.
