Question about Vanilla Bean Paste vs. Extra in a Pavlova


Well-known member
In the current issue of Cuisine at Home there is a recipe for Pavlova. It calls for Vanilla paste instead of extract because it is supposed to be better for the texture of the baked pavlova. That being said - I hate to purchase it (it's not cheap) for just this recipe. Anybody have experience making pavlovas/meringues and know if extract would work instead?

Thank you!

I'd just use the seeds from two vanilla beans. Depending on what you layer ON the pavlova,

the vanilla taste will be dissipated somewhat.

Do you make vanilla sugar with the leftover vanilla pods? I keep a cannister going all the time.

I was going to ask about Vanilla Bean Paste. I got a jar of Nielsen-Massey VB paste for Christmas.

I've never used it before. But now I know I can make Pavlova with it...anything else?

P.S. I just looked at the reviews on Amazon, and many reviewers complained that the paste

was not as strong as extract or beans, even though it says on the bottle that it can replace extract or beans 1-1.
