QUESTION: Bailey's Irish Cream>>My sister just made this tonight and she said it curdled

It may be the dairy...

I had a friend who works in the resto industry. Resto called him saying the coffee was making the milk curdle. He brought his own milk in and they did a comparison. The resto got a funky batch of milk and they curdled when added to the coffee. The other milk didn't. Not sure what the underlying factors are, but I've had that happen to me too. Given the reviews are so positive online (the Chowhound link), I'd say it would be worth trying again. I've made that recipe before and mine didn't curdle.

Agree. Older dairy is more acidic, and so curdles more readily when it comes in contact with other

acidic ingredients, of which there are several in this recipe (alcohol, coffee, and alcohol-containing extracts).
