Question: Cake and Eggs


Well-known member
When a cake recipe calls for 4 eggs and two of the eggs when opened were double yolks, would you cut back on the four eggs or still add four to the recipe?

Most recieps assume you are using a large egg

for volume purposes. If you got two double yolks I'm guessing you are using Jumbo size?

A large egg is +/- 2 oz and a jumbo is +/- 3 ounces. You'd still be short about 2 ounces. I think you'd be safe with just the white from one more jumbo egg.

Thank you, desertjean. I only had jumbo eggs. I went with three eggs and the cake came out fine.

I always use extra large eggs in my baking.

And, if making a cake, I often throw in an extra yolk to add richness!

Although I have to admit - I haven't eaten a yolk in years in the form of scrambled eggs or an omelet - always yolkless:)
