question for you baking gurus: when is a teaspoon of cookie dough JUST a teaspoon??


Well-known member
Most cookie recipes seem to say "take a teaspoon of dough and roll it into a ball". Well, if you actually measured a teaspoon of dough, it would be about the size of a garbanzo bean. That just can't be right!! I always amend it to say "1 tbl. of dough", which is my smallest cookie scoop, leveled off.

Seems such a contradiction to use this type of measurement when

the recipe is anal about measuring the ingredients, either weighing the flour etc or "Make sure you sift/spoon lightly and level carefully"
I usually use a heaping teaspoon (using a flatwear spoon, not a measuring spoon) which I think works out to a Tablespoon.

Yes, I've never figured that out... I would assume it's the same 'teaspoon' that you use

in measuring the ingredients, but the rounded flatwear teaspoon just makes more sense - and it does work out to about a tablespoon.

My favorite? A "heaping" teaspoon. Heck, my heaps are so big, we call it a tablespoon!

And there's a flip side to this.

I've been trying to cut back on sugar in my tea. I was using a regular flatware teaspoon, assuming it actually measured a teaspoon (16 calories). I was dumping a couple of rounded "teaspoons" of sugar into each cup of tea. I met with a nutritionist, who said to compare my flatware teaspoon with a real teaspoon. I was shocked to find that it was pretty much twice the amount. So I found a real teaspoon (so tiny!!!) in my silver box and am using that in my sugar bowl.

(Yes, it would be easier to give up sugar altogether, but I just can't manage that.)

And then there is the moment of amusement when

you look at the freshly baked cookies on your rack from the recipe that (Makes 64) and you make the final count...25.

So OK, I did eat one. But just one.

I had the same experience when I started to think about the sugar in my coffee. An actual tsp

looks like such a small amount on the sugar spoon I keep in the sugar bowl.
