Question: How scared should I be of a raw egg yolk. I want to make a special


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marzipan recipe which calls for a raw egg yolk. After all when I was a kid we ate raw eggs all the time in egg nogs etc.

I use pasteurized eggs

every since my daughter in law got sick from eating raw cookie dough. They are made by Davidson's and I can get them at my local Safeway or Harris Teeter. They are a little pricey, but I use them whenever a raw egg is called for in cake frosting, etc.

I don't worry too much, as long as you store the eggs correctly before using. Marzipan

has so much sugar I think it will be just fine. Egg nog has alcohol. Mayo has lemon juice, etc.

Not too scared. I make my ceaser salad with raw egg and have never had a problem

Not to jinx things but here in Calif we are lucky and have good eggs and no salmonella problems, so

I really just enjoy making caesar salads, just quelled poachies and hollandaise without worry!

A figure I saw was that 1 in 30,000 eggs is infected.

The risk is greater for commercial products, where one tainted egg can contaminate a huge batch of product.

I wouldn't eat raw or soft-boiled eggs when my kids were small, but now we do. I also have been thrilled to find the Davidson's pasteurized eggs at Publix (we used to make special trips up to Harris Teeter in Jacksonville for these until it closed) , so I can now make my special chocolate mousse for guests, as I am nervous about using raw eggs for guests.
