question of the day...


Well-known member
do any of you always (or ever even) remember to let the steam escape from the oven before sticking your face in it to check the contents?

now that i can see out of my glasses again - yup

pulling 58 chicken wings roasting to make stock.

I had no idea either. I blanch my face opening the dishwasher so often...

I wouldn't even notice an additional oven-steaming.

I've learned to let steamescape the oven....

or dishes that have been covered while cooking. However, that wisdom has not gotten to me whilst cracking the door of the I routinely come up from that with fogged-up glasses.
Looks like I'm not alone on this one!

Oh - and I just HATE it when the heat melts my mascara into blobs on my eyelashes..

especially when there's company invited!!!

Mine comes out the back burner as I cook - I thought it was designed...

to do that, or else maybe there's a "leak" and I need a new oven (I do need I new oven by the way, thermostat is finicky).

Funny, rvb!

It's the hot bracelts on the wrist that catch me out, 'specially when turning roastveg whilst it....

is still in the oven. The problem here is that I can't slip the bracelets off over my hand any more!

How about lifting lids/foil and forgetting they will be steamy?

at work I make rice in the oven, as I am making rce for 150 people it's a lot easier and faster - HOWEVER - I constantly forget about the steam when I go to lift the foil "lid" to check on it...

I have several layers of blisters on my right index finger...
