Question on food mills


Well-known member
I'm thinking of purchasing a food mill. We love mashed potatos and I usually use a ricer.

I found a tinned food milled and also one made of stainless steel. I wondered if the tinned food mill will rust if I let it air dry in the dishwasher and water collected in it. You seen rusty tin cans.

Thanks for any advice,


I have one of each...

My MIL gave me a tinned (Foley brand) food mill shortly after we were married. It has given me more than 35 years of service, and has only one small spot where I get a bit of rust. I have never been particularly fastidious about drying it. So I don't think this would be an issue.

I have a stainless mill also. The reason I have 2 is that the Foley has only one disk, and I needed a finer one for milling foods with small seeds.
