Question on Rice Makers... I purchased one today at a Garage Sale 50 cents, in the box


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It has clearly been used and loved. Came from a Japanese family. She said it works, that she just upgraded to a larger size. (This one is small, which makes it perfect for us). She said that she uses a ratio of 1:1 of cleaned rice to water. The directions are in Japanese. Does that seem right to you? It is a Hitachi electric one.

I would have thought 1 rice to 2 water.

I am excited to try my new gadget, and honestly, if it does not work, it was only 50 cents.

I have never had an electric rice maker, so thoughts / tips would be greatly appreciated.

We received a 5-cup hitachi rice cooker as a wedding present...

...more than 25 years ago. We use it several times a week and always have. It's a workhorse.

The inside of the removable insert should have markings on it. Ours says "1 cup" nearest the bottom and is graduated up the side of the insert. "2", "4", etc. Our cooker came with a plastic measuring cup that holds just under 3/4 cup of rice. The "1 cup" level in the insert refers to one plastic measuring cup of rice, which is, as I said, actually 3/4 cup by our measuring standard.

The instructions said to add however many plastic cups of dry rice to the cooker and then fill with water to the mark on the insert corresponding to that number. For example, if we put 3 plastic cups of rice into the cooker, we would fill the cooker to the line marked "3". Put the top on, plug it in and press the "cook" button. It rings when it's done and automatically switches to "warm".

Did you get the plastic cup? Is your metal insert marked?


I have an electric steamer, and I add water in a ratio of

1 rice to 1.5 water. Works great, and is a Hamilton Beach.

For years and years I have never understood why people have so

much trouble making rice. It's easy! Until I now have an electric stove!!! I...Hate...It!!!! I cannot do it now. I have tried everything. Start on high heat and have another ready to go on a lower heat. I give up. I'm going to buy a rice cooker! I give....

If I run for office at some point in the future, one of my promises is to ban...

...ALL electric cooktops. ALL. BANNED. OUT THE DOOR! NOW!!! Or at least the ones anywhere near me.

I have never cooked on one I like, or could even tolerate. Glass top, induction, coils, etc. Hate them with a passion.


I so miss my gas stove. i totally disagree with all the concencus that electric ovens are better too

even on combo fuel stoves.

You have my vote! When I found out I was no longer going to have

my beautiful, cherished gas stove at the condo we were moving to and was whining about it a friend said, "Well, they don't trust all you old people with flames." sniff

Lol Orchid! I also gave up a gas cooktop for an electric. But I am learning to cope with it quite

nicely. But then for all but the last 15 years of my cooking life I've had electric. What I miss is using the flame to heat tortillas, roast jalapenos, etc. What I like is I can actually simmer something without it getting away from me, I never quite learned to do that with gas. What I really hate has nothing to do with gas or electric, but the controls which are lined up on the right side of the cooktop. They don't really match the burners, but skip around and I'm always turning on the wrong burner.

Thanks! I will experiement with it. It does have numbers and some japanese writing on the inside

of the metal insert. It did not include a plastic cup. The numbers were on side 1-2-3-4 (Bottom to top) and on the right side 0.1 - 0.2 - 0.3 - 0.4 The rest of the writing was in Japanese.

I will just have to experiment!

and that they are so easy to clean, and can boil pasta water in no time, and can warm plates, and

are safe to reach over, and have adjustable element sizes, and have flush electronic controls that take up no space, and don't tip small pots, and provide heat selectively to the entire surface of the bottom of the pot rather than just a ring of fire, and can be used as extra counterspace. Not only can I not get a simmer low enough to keep a Hollandaise warm, but I can't even get a decent simmer.

I had a JennAir cooktop (about 2007) that I dearly loved and would garbage this JennAir gas job (2009) if I could. On the heavy-duty burner, a pot of pasta water takes twice as long as it did on the electric stove and it wasn't even a conduction.

I have it...

and I have cooked on both. Yes, you just about have to think 2 minutes ahead, or get a gas range. I've about worn mine out.

Ah...the markings are for measuring!

The metal insert is the vessel. The 1, 2, 3, 4 refer where the water level should be depending on how many little cups of rice you've added to the pot. You could pour water into the metal pot to the first line and then pour the water into a liquid measure to see what the volume is... It will either be 1.5 to 1 or 2 to 1. Have fun!! Love my rice steamer, and I cook stovetop just as easily!
