Question - what do you find the best way to freeze. For example, an uncookedor cooked roast


Well-known member
-do you wrap it before ziplocking and with what.

Same for cake, cheese, etc.

I would appreciate input as I think I can improve

the quality of my frozen items.

For meats I always wrap tightly in plastic wrap, then again in foil or in

a freezer bag with all the air squeezed out.

For steaks etc I like to coat them in oil first then wrap them, I think it really prevents freezer burn.

For fish, especially for salmon, I put in a small freezer bag and add water, so the filet or steak is frozen inside a casing of water. My fishermen friends do this and you really can't tell that the fish was frozen when it's thawed. Freeze them flat and once they're solid you can stack them like books on the shelf.

Somewhere on my laptop at home I have a note about how to ice glaze chicken breasts for the freezer. If you are interested in that I can look for it tonight.

I put a sticker with the name and the date and then try not to keep things more than 6 months.

Isn't it marvelous to be back!

When I worked in a cheese shop, (Many years ago, in High school,) we went to NY; and had some

"classes", we were told for cheese, 2 wraps with syran then folllowed by foil. Also, when we put the syran on we REALLY made sure all areas were covered and smooth on all sides.

Freezing baked goods tips would be great too. I don't normally, but thinking about some holiday

mini cakes and starting early is appealing this year!

I love my foodsaver sealer. I use it for all meats and any prepared

meals I put in the freezer. For cheeses, it will keep them fresh for a very long time without even freezing.

Food Saver is the best for freezing, no cakes, breads or soft things

and I also reuse my Food Saver bags...wash, dry and reuse!

Yes, I love mine too, but when I experimented with a Christmas cake,(quite a solid cake)

it was squashed, as I suppose I should have expected! I had planned to stop the vacuum before that stage, but it went really fast.

But for meat and cheese, it's amazing.

My mom used to freeze bagels in her food saver. . .

No squishing that I know of. Maybe she turned off her vacuum earlier?

Isn't ice glazing just. . .

freezing the food to be glazed then dipping in ice water, re-freeze, ice water, re-freeze, and so on for a good glaze?

On my model you can usse the Pulse button to control how much

air you take out, so I do use it for some baked things like bread or rolls - not cakes though.

My first attempt at cake in a food saver left me with astronaut food!

Squished it right down and reminded me of being a kid and seeing the pouches of astronaut food....

I have an older foodsaver model - sucks until there's no air left. So - what I do is suck out most of the air, and then stop, pull the bag back until it's only on the sealer and then seal. It thinks it's done sucking. Doesn't always work quite right - but good enough.

I see with the newer models that you're able to control the vaccuum - how much to take out - and the sealer - seal even though there's still a little air in there.

Ahhhh, one day. But since my current model still works I can't justify buying a new one....


That's how I freeze cookie dough, and baked cakes. I usually make two or three...

...Marble Cakes for Christmas during November and freeze them. They freeze well, and thaw best by placing them in the fridge and letting them come to temp still in the wrapping.

Two or three tight layers of plastic wrap, followed by foil works well.


I finally got a newer model a couple of years ago, that is hands free while

the machine is sucking and sealing. Since I have it sitting on my laundry room counter, I am free to start laundry or fold. It is great, and I know there are newer ones out that have more goodies to play with. Great product! I love how my cheese stays so fresh now....for months!

Did you try freezing the cake first, then FSing it? That what I do.

I've frozen pound cakes and baked cookies this way. I always freeze layers before icing and bet they'd FS pretty well too. My FS is an old original one.
