Quick ? - How long to bake 2 lasagnas together (9x13 unfrozen)

Hi Tessie, I am only guessing here,

but I would say maybe an hour and a half at 350. I would put the racks in the center of the oven, then place one lasagna to the far left on the top rack, and the other to the far right on the bottom rack, then switch them about half way through the cooking time. I would check them after about an hour and see how they look. You will want to uncover them for the last 10-15 minutes. I hope this helps!

Good advice, Dawn - they'll be done when they are bubbling around the edge and

beginning to get golden around the edge.

Thanks for your input. I made your recommendations to my girlfriend...

She has had very limited dinner party experience and was really nervous. Worked like a charm. -T

YAH!! That's what we like to hear -- she won't be quite as nervous next time smileys/smile.gif
