ISO: QUICK!! ISO T&T recipe for deep fried ice cream... anyone?

In Search Of:
I don't know if this fits your needs but

it is easier to make even than the fried ice cream balls.


3 c. crushed cornflakes
1 c. brown sugar
1/2 tsp. cinnamon
1/2 c. melted butter (don't use margarine, it makes the crumbs soggy)
1 c. toasted coconut
1 c. finely chopped pecans-toasted
2 quarts vanilla ice cream, slightly softened

Combine all ingredients, except ice cream. Spread half of the crumb mixture in a 9x13 pan and press down firmly. Spread the softened ice cream over crumb mixture and smooth with the back of a spoon. Sprinkle with remaining crumbs and press down firmly. Cover and immediately freeze. Let freeze for at least two hours before serving. Remove from freezer 5 minutes before cutting.

T and T Fried Ice Cream

I've been making this for years.

Fried Ice Cream
Serves: 4

* Ingredients 4 Large Scoops French Vanilla Ice Cream
* 2 Cups Honey Nut Cereal (or similar)(crushed)
* 1/2 Teaspoon Vanilla
* 1/2 Teaspoon Cinnamon
* 2 Eggs
* Oil For Deep Frying


Place four scoops of ice cream on a pan, freeze one hour.

Mix the egg with the vanilla and cinnamon. Roll each scoop in the egg mixture, then in the cereal until well coated. Freeze 1 hour. Reserve excess egg and cereal in the refrigerator.

Again, roll in the egg and then cereal. Freeze for several hours or overnight.

In hot deep fryer (375°) fry one ball at a time for 15 seconds. Place in freezer until all are done. Serve immediately w/ whipped topping and sauce.

Note: Freeze pan and utensils prior to starting.

Thank you all for your suggestions!! They were HUGE hits... here is what I did -

I crushed up about 3-4 cups cornflakes and mixed them with about 1 tsp. cinnamon and 1/3 cup coconut flakes. Scooped out 10 balls of ice cream with the ice cream scooper, froze them about 1 hour, rolled them in the cornflake mixture and formed them with my hands into nice round balls. Then froze them another hour. Dunked them in a thin egg wash and back in the crumb mixture again. Froze again. Fried them for about 30 seconds in 365 deg. vegetable oil. Served with homemade chocolate sauce and whipped cream - YUM!!!! Definitely going to be making these again.
