Radish tops, I may be going too far here, but just came home from the organic farm with gorgeous


Well-known member
radishes and the tops are just perfectly green and lovely looking. Has anyone ever used radish tops in a recipe? At $3.00 plus a lb for radishes, it would be nice to utilize these lovely green tops.

Here's another soup version. REC: Radish Top Soup

I love how the BA recipe Joe linked to states to reserve the radishes themselves for another use!

The modifications from the person who submitted the recipe below are included.

"I found a recipe in "The Victory Garden Cookbook" 1982 edition, for Radish Top Soup. I didn't have enough radish tops, and had to substitute some Swiss chard for about 1/3 of the greens, and make about 1/3 of the recipe, but it was so delicious, I decided to send it in.. I cooked the potato in chicken broth, cooked the onion and greens in a little canola oil and eliminated the butter and optional cream. Here is the recipe with the author's comments:"

Radish Top Soup

"Don't throw out your radish greens. Believe it or not, those fuzzy leaves can be transformed into a smooth green soup, with a hint of watercress flavor."

6 Tb butter
1 cup chopped onions or leeks
8 cups loosely packed radish leaves
2 cups diced peeled potatoes
6 cups liquid (water, chicken stock)
1/2 cup cream (optional)
Freshly ground pepper

Melt 4 tablespoons butter in a large saucepan, add onions or leeks, and cook until golden, approximately 5 minutes. Stir in radish tops, cover pan, and cook over low heat until wilted, 8-10 minutes.

Meanwhile, cook potatoes until soft in liquid along with 1 teaspoon salt. Combine with radish tops and broth, and cook, covered, for 5 minutes to mingle flavors. Puree finely in a food processor. Add cream if desired. Season to taste with butter, salt and pepper.

Submitted by Jean Pinard


Check this out: REC: Easy, Elegant Watercress and Radish-Top Soup

Easy, Elegant Watercress and Radish-Top Soup

Makes 6 servings

2 bunches watercress, thick stems cut off
green leaves from 2 bunches of radishes
2 tablespoons butter
1/3 cup minced shallots or chopped green onions
4 cups chicken or vegetable stock
1/2 cup heavy cream (optional)
salt and pepper to taste
3 radishes, very thinly sliced

Wash all the greens thoroughly under cold running water to remove all traces of soil. Reserve 6 nice sprigs of watercress. Heat butter in a saucepan over medium-low flame. Stir in shallots, cover and cook, stirring occasionally, until shallots are tender, about 6 minutes. Raise heat to medium-high, add stock and bring to a simmer. Stir in all the greens (except the reserved watercress sprigs) and return to a simmer. Lower heat and simmer gently until greens are wilted and very tender, about 5 minutes. Puree the mixture with an immersion blender, or in a food processor or blender. Stir in heavy cream if desired, and season to taste with salt and pepper. Heat through and serve, garnishing each bowl with a watercress sprig and a few thinly sliced radishes.


Another to check out: REC: Pumpkin Seed Chicken Mole

Pumpkin Seed Chicken Mole

1/2 cup raw pumpkin seeds or pepitas
1 teaspoon cumin seeds
1/2 teaspoon cracked black pepper
1/2 teaspoon dried Mexican oregano
10 tomatillos, husked, washed and quartered
1 serrano chile
2 garlic cloves, peeled
2 romaine lettuce leaves
1/8 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1 bunch cilantro, stems and leaves
2 radish tops
1 small onion, quartered
1 1/2 teaspoons salt
2 tablespoons olive oil
2 cups chicken stock
3 large skinless, boneless chicken breasts, split
1 bunch radishes, thinly sliced, for garnish

In a dry cast-iron skillet toast pumpkin seeds, cumin seeds, pepper and oregano over a low heat, shaking the pan occasionally. Heat until aromas are released, about 5 minutes. Remove before seeds begin to brown and set aside to cool.
In a blender grind mixture until a powder forms.

In blender or food processor puree tomatillos, serrano chile, garlic, lettuce, cinnamon, cilantro, radish tops, onion and salt until smooth.

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

In a large saucepan heat olive oil over a high heat. Carefully, pour in pureed tomatillo mixture, and let sizzle for 30 seconds. Stir in stock. Reduce heat and simmer for 10 minutes. Turn up the heat to high and bring to a boil. Stir in ground nut mixture and remove from the heat. Puree in a food processor or blender, in batches, if necessary. Pass through a fine strainer, pressing with the back of a ladle to extract all the juices, into a 13 x 10-inch flameproof baking dish. Place the chicken breasts in the sauce and bring to a boil over moderate heat. Cover with foil and bake for 20 minutes.

Serve the chicken and sauce over a bed of white rice. Sprinkle radish slices over the top.


Another, one that look's interesting... REC: Roasted Three Peppers and Greens

Roasted Three Peppers and Greens
by Lynne Rossetto Kasper

"They (radish leaves) have a mild bite, a little like the radish beneath them, and like that radish, they are best eaten young and in great shape.

Try them instead of lettuce or arugula in sandwiches (they love mayonnaise). I use them as a foil for roasted sweet vegetables, like peppers, onions, squashes, carrots or parsnips. Roasting browns the greens, lending them a rich, pleasingly tart-meaty flavor.

Test-drive the concept with this dish. It's a chameleon, turning into a relish, a dip, a topping for anything grilled, a side dish or a saucing for pasta. Chill up to five days, or freeze up to six months."

5 large sweet red and yellow peppers, cut into 1-1/2-inch pieces
2 to 3 medium-hot to hot fresh chilies, cut into 1/2-inch pieces (jalapeno, Hungarian, cubanelle or Serrano)
2 medium to large red onions, cut into 2-inch chunks
4 large cloves garlic, coarsely chopped
a big handful of fresh radish leaves, spring mix, curly endive, escarole, or young arugula, coarsely chopped
1/3 cup pitted Kalamata olives
1/2 cup fresh basil leaves, torn
1/2 tsp. dry oregano
2 to 3 tbsp. extra-virgin olive oil
salt and freshly ground black pepper
2 lemons cut in wedges (for garnish)

Preheat oven to 450. Slip a large shallow pan into oven to heat up. In a big bowl, toss together all the ingredients (except the lemons), seasoning to taste with salt and pepper.

Open oven; with oven mitts pull out shelf with shallow pan. Turn all the vegetables onto the pan, taking care not to get burned. Spread them out and roast about 45 minutes, turning often. Peppers should have some browning and radish leaves should be crisp. Encourage browning by keeping everything spread out during cooking.

Serve hot or at room temperature with lemon wedges to squeeze for the dish's final seasoning.

Serves 4 to 8

