I no longer have any new hard-copy recipes tucked away . . .
I've discovered that many new recipes, short of original or proprietary dishes, are available on the Internet.
Lots of these exist in an on-line format, easily accessed by a Google search. You copy and paste the text into a Word document, reformat (if you're as anal as I) and save in your own file folder. The "Paste Special" command as "Unformatted Text" in the "Edit" tool is invaluable here.
Within two separate dividers labeled "Used Frequently" and another of "To Be Tried", there are subject folders (listed as "hor's d's," "poultry," "seafood," "breads," "desserts," etc.)containing recipes which are organized in a manner similar to a cookbook.
If this collection was on paper, it'd fill an entire shelf but on the computer, the physical footprint is non-existent. Because you rarely need to purge for space, (unless you're just bored) it eliminates all issues but those related to time constraints.
When I revisit some of the recipes I've copied, I can't imagine WHAT I was thinking. ("First, catch and butcher an Albino-Pygmy-Cormorant!?")
On the other hand, many fav's have resulted from this process. Go figure.