RE: 14257 above, Paprika Roast Chicken with Sweet Onions. . .


Well-known member
I just made this tonight for my family; they tried it while I went to a meeting.

I just had some and think it is a keeper. I made it with smoked paprika and used skin-on (well trimmed) chicken thighs. I also added a scant teaspoon of salt, remembering what some indian cooks/cookbooks have told me about cooking the spices with the salt to make sure the flavor gets into the food.

Pretty good; I think I will try it again, but out on the barbeque. Very different, kinda wierd when you first taste it, but then I always think sweet spices taste weird when I use them in savory foods (no sugar added). I like it; it reminds me of indian food I have had at some indian friends of ours.

This marinade/paste would be great on just plain grilled onion slices, big thick onion slices.


I fixed this last weekend and was impressed

I had originally bookmarked it when it was Yahoo's recipe of the day from Epi and when it was recommended here I went for it. I did a whole chicken, cut up and my first thought while eating it was that just doing thighs and/or drums would have been better. (My brain apparently doesn't work as fast Mistral's.) I did add salt (and pepper) out of habit, even though it wasn't called for and was glad I did. It needed it.

I mixed the spices and oil in a ziploc and then added the chicken to get a good coating. Worked well. This mixture would also work very well with oven roasted potatoes.

Jeeze, I had planned on using a whole chicken, but it didn't defrost in time. . .

I knew there were some chick thighs on mark down at the Smart-N-Final (going out of date on April 4) so I went down after work and picked up 6 gigantor packages of them. I cooked 6 for dinner, saved the other four and canned 3 packages up for the future.
