Re: my rib eye roast dinner. The dinner was wonderful, the roast was very very rare, but...


Well-known member
my crew are the type that love it that way.

I cooked a few slices to medium for the kids.

My son, being pretty much a non-beef eater, asked for seconds. The roast was too rare in my opinion, but my thermometer starts at 130 so i had to guess. I was so worried about it being over cooked that I took it out too early. The whole dinner was very good, and my step daughter called the next day to thank me for such a delicious dinner.

When we do our roasts at Christmas. . .

We almost always take them out around 130 or just before, then cover them with aluminum foil and a towel and let set for 1/2 hr.

Always good, good and pink to dark pink-red and delicious.

I am glad yours came out well! And rare leftovers are great because you can carefully re-heat them and
the meat won't be too over-done.

Thanks for the update and glad it went well..

now make notes on time and temp and results for next time. Soon you'll be a pro at it.

Yes, glad it went well. You're making me hungry for rare roast beef, but a question...

I have always heard that most bacteria isn't killed until 140 degrees F. Is that different for beef? Roasted beef, I mean. I know ground beef is different because of eColi.

here's an answer

The bacteria are on the outside of the meat cut(s). All killed when cooked. By the time the middle is at 130º F, the outside is above 140. There shouldn't be any on the inside of that cut unless that animal was really sick.

Burger is worser (sorry, just had to rhyme) because all the outsides are chopped, ground and mixed with the insides, bacteria and all.
